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Open-Air Galleries
You may have heard about a festival that takes place each year on a massive playa in northern Nevada. Attended by tens of thousands, the celebration of art and self-expression that is Burning Man is now a part of our cultural lexicon. While tens of thousands flock to the playa to see the incredible art pieces, most people never get to appreciate them. Lose that fear of missing out, because numerous Burning Man works can be seen in open-air galleries around the state.
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On the Sails of a Prairie Schooner
For the pioneer of the mid-1800s leaving life behind to verify whispers of gold out west, the scene must've been something spectacular. In many cases, the ordinary family farm wagon was modified for the trip: hickory bows were affixed to the wagon bed and a canvas cloth was stretched over the top. The wagons in those days became known as prairie schooners, due to the cover’s resemblance to a boat’s sail.
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Ancient Nevada, Part 1: Water
If you were to stand on the shore of Pyramid Lake and gaze across seemingly endless miles of beautiful blue water, it would be hard to imagine that it could get any larger. But the northern Nevada lake was once part of a much larger body of water that dwarfed modern ones in size.