Are you interested in writing for Nevada Magazine & Visitor guide? We are always accepting applications for freelance contributors. To get started, please read the writing guidelines and fill out the form below. If we feel that you’re a good fit, a member of our staff will contact you as soon as possible.


VOICE: Stories in Nevada Magazine & Visitor Guide offer an authentic and engaging look at the state that appeals to readers both in-state and around the world. Your article should be written from personal experience, interviews, or quality research. When developing your ideas, please consider the publication’s structure and style. You can find the magazine on our website or click here to order a free copy.

Cowboy Arts & Gear

PAYMENT: Stories are accepted on speculation. Payment is on publication and varies with article length and quality. The average rate for a feature-length story is $300, however this value will be negotiated. Nevada Magazine & Visitor Guide does not pay expenses (travel costs, etc.). It is important to note that payment is made by direct deposit and may take up to a month after publication to get processed.

PRINTING RIGHTS: For printed stories, the magazine buys first North American serial rights as well as the right to publish, distribute, archive, and otherwise use the material in whole or in part in print, electronic, or any other media, and for promotional purposes related to Nevada Magazine & Visitor Guide and Travel Nevada’s publications and services.

PHOTOS: You can click here to read our photography guidelines. To receive the magazine’s bimonthly Photo Alert, which lists photo needs, sign up here.

Story Submission

Click here to access our story submission form.