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Coffee Culture
These days, coffee shops aren’t just for mornings: Most offer iced or blended drinks, teas, smoothies, and everything from breakfast treats to lunchtime meals. In addition, many host events and provide opportunities to support artists and other community causes. Every town has a memorable spot to sip gourmet brew amid local color, but here are a few of my favorites to consider on your travels around the Silver State.
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Turn The Page: This Bookstore Covers So Much More
A birdcage of freedom. A grand literary conundrum, it’s true. Maya Angelou’s great poem may spring to mind, but I mean Yeats and his Byzantium, a place of spiritual fulfillment where what’s crucial to your soul sings out to you from a golden bough of what you need, what will get you there, and what awaits your arrival. Such a place exists at The Writer’s Block, a bookstore in Downtown Las Vegas.