Downtown Las Vegas will welcome the city’s first parklet, a small public area that allows passersby to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of the city around them. Replacing a single parking space, the parklet will be installed on Friday, April 17, followed by an unveiling ceremony on Tuesday, April 21.

Located at the corner of Sixth Street and Carson Avenue, the parklet helps Downtown dwellers connect with nature in a new and unique way as well as address the shortage of park space in the flourishing neighborhood. Located in front of the historic John E. Carson building, the parklet was built with recyclable materials and features colorful accents, seating with built-in games and educational information about local wildlife.

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“The downtown parklet was designed with Downtown Project’s three C’s (collisions, co-learning, and connectedness) in mind,” says parklet creator John Curran. “We hope to help connect individuals and spark spontaneous interactions that can lead to expanding networks, innovative ideas and new businesses.”

Spending more than 1,000 hours on design and construction, the parklet was created and built through the collaboration of Downtown Project, Iowa State University (ISU), University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Resort Gaming Group, and The Nature Conservancy. Design teams for the 160-square-foot nature spot were led by ISU Landscape Architecture Chair Ken McCown and Jonathon Anderson of UNLV.

“We are excited to see how Las Vegas’ first parklet will connect the downtown urban core with the great outdoors,” says McCown. “Hopefully, this parklet will be the first of many to come in Downtown Las Vegas.”

The Nature Conservancy provided designers with local plant and animal facts, which are etched into the seats, offering environmental education at the parklet.

“Enhancing quality of life by connecting people to nature is a priority at the Conservancy,” said John Zablocki, the Conservancy’s Mojave Desert program director in Nevada. “When people spend more time outdoors, they’re smarter, happier and healthier.”

Visitors and residents are encouraged to pack a lunch, grab a coffee and enjoy the great outdoors while visiting the downtown parklet. Individuals can also share their parklet experience by posting a photo to social media using #ParkletVegas.